
The Hospitality Charge approved by the Metropolitan Airports Commission (MAC) in January 2021 allows concessions operators at MSP to charge a fee up to 4.5% of the transaction in order to offset the increasing minimum wage at MSP Airport and the costs of doing business in a unique environment such as an airport.

Costs have increased in mandated security, added material handling, construction and maintenance requirements and other operating costs not found in a traditional business outside of the airport. The charge is optional for concessionaires to add to the total of the bill. It is not a tax, nor is it mandated by the MAC. 

All proceeds generated from the charge go directly to the concession operator to offset costs. It is not a gratuity paid directly to staff. MAC does not collect the entirety or any portion of the charge.


Frequently Asked Questions

Why not just raise prices?

Operators are only permitted to charge up to 10% more than a comparable street side unit, which does not allow for some prices to be increased.

Why don’t all stores at MSP add the fee?

Certain operators are not permitted to per franchise agreements or corporate mandates.

Some operators simply choose not to.

How do I get the charge removed from my total?

You may request that the charge be waived for a transaction by contacting the concessions operator directly, however they are not required to do so.

Why did I not know about this charge when I made my purchase?

Each operator is required to clearly post and declare that they are imposing this charge in a variety of ways, including but not limited to: on menus, menu boards, and at point of sale registers depending on the type of operation.

Please reach out to Jay.Noseworthy@mspmac.org if you find that these standards are not being met, please provide the date and specific location you encountered the issue.

What are some of the additional costs of doing business at MSP?

Higher minimum wage standards compared to other jurisdictions in the State of Minnesota, that includes an automatic annual  increase.

Federally required additional screening of all products brought into the terminals.

Higher construction and maintenance costs due to access, security, and various other standards that require most work to be done overnight.

Who determines the rate?

Metropolitan Airport Commission staff reviews the allowed maximum rate annually.

The maximum rate is based on what similar operations in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area charge in additional fees.

Each operator makes the determination of what rate to charge up to the allowed maximum, currently 4.5%.


Who do I reach out to if I have further questions, comments, or complaints about the charge?

Please reach out to Jay.Noseworthy@mspmac.org